The Independent Voice Of The Northern Beaches


We live in a big world, swamped by big media whose focus is a long way away from what’s going on down the other end of your street. And that’s where we come in…

Pittwater Life magazine is the respected voice of Sydney’s upper Northern Beaches – and it’s FREE!
We’re a quality, glossy monthly publication with the biggest reach of all local print media. Regular editorial content includes news and lifestyle features, personal profiles, entertainment, health & wellbeing, beauty and style, the arts scene, books, boating, food, gardening, law, money, small business, youth, music, property, sailing, surfing and travel. Our columns are written by local experts.
How hyper-local are we? We have a bespoke Crossword compiled entirely with Pittwater clues!
Pittwater Life is delivered to more than 26,000 homes from Narrabeen to Palm Beach and Terrey Hills, plus more than 500 cafes, medical practices and doctors’ surgeries, clubs, retailers and other businesses.
Pittwater Life is also stocked in 30 major local pick-up locations including libraries, bottle shops and shopping centres – achieving a monthly readership of more than 90,000!

Our reach now extends to Belrose & Frenchs Forest, Dee Why & Manly.



Knowing Our Audience


Pittwater Life champions the old-school print media model – editorial content with relevance – prompting an organic, trickle-down benefit to advertisers. At a local level that means communicating the latest issues affecting our community, including the environment, transport, health and education, plus all matters focussing on the Narrabeen and Pittwater wards of the Northern Beaches Council. We listen. We probe. We cover things others don’t. And we don’t sell ‘editorial’ space. Our features focus on locals; our columns are written by local experts specifically for our magazine; we celebrate our diverse arts community; our small businesses and operators; and our health and wellbeing content is delivered by local doctors and service providers. Our crossword is compiled with Pittwater-based clues. Our covers showcase the local area; they are bold, attractive and ensure the magazine is a month-long keepsake. Readers linger on our pages, soaking up local information. It could be a community service announcement or a big development… regardless, Pittwater Life readers learn new stuff every month. And our advertisers literally get in the hands of an engaged audience for all the right reasons…


What's It Like Out There?